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Preaching at the Churches in Manaja Keny


Dear Pastor,


My name is Spencer Smith, my wife's name is Rebekah and we have three beautiful children. The Lord has called us to help train nationals in Kenya with IBOM (International Baptist Outreach Missions). Our sending church the Lighthouse Baptist Church of Shepherdsville, KY.


The Lord is doing great things in Kenya and Uganda with IBOM and we would love the opportunity to tell your church about it! Feel free to browse our website. We have tried our best to give you all the information you would like about what we believe and what we are doing.


If you have any other questions, then feel free to contact me anytime using the "Contact Us" app on the bottom of this page. Thank you for your interest in what we are doing! 


His for Kenya, 

Spencer Smith

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Doctrine Matters Conference (1) copy (1).png


📅 May 2-3, 2025
📍 Cornerstone Baptist Church Neuweg 62a 1214GW

Friday, May 2, at 7PM - Session One
Saturday May 3, at 10 am - Session Two
Saturday May3, at 5pm - Session Three

Why You Should Be There
True Christianity is under attack! False teachers are everywhere, the Gospel is getting watered down, and churches are drifting away from sound doctrine. That’s why Doctrine Matters. This conference is all about standing firm on the Word of God, exposing deception, and strengthening believers in the truth.

We’re bringing powerful preaching, in-depth Bible teaching, and no-nonsense discernment to the Netherlands. If you’re tired of the fluff and looking for solid biblical truth, this is for you.

Conference Schedule:
📌 Friday, May 2 – 7:00 PM (Opening Session)
📌 Saturday, May 3 – 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Morning Session)
📌 Saturday, May 3 – 5:00 PM - Finish (Evening Session)

What You’ll Get:

✅ Bible-based preaching that challenges and equips
✅ Teaching on apostasy, false teachers, and biblical discernment
✅ A strong focus on the Gospel, sound doctrine, and standing for truth
✅ Fellowship with like-minded believers

Where’s It Happening?
We’re busy securing the venue and will announce it soon! Stay tuned
Get Your Tickets Now!
🎟 Reserve your spot today—seating is limited!
💳 Buy your ticket via PayPal:

Come ready to learn, grow, and stand strong for truth. Because in a world of deception, Doctrine Matters!

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